Inventory Management Systems
We understand that inventory is a must to keep the doors open, the lights on and most importantly, happy clients.
Proper inventory management helps to identify which and how much stock to order at what time. Track inventory from purchase to sale of goods. The system identifies and responds to trends to ensure there’s always enough stock to fulfill customer orders and proper warnings of low inventory.
- Create basic stock levels of the most common SKU’s
- Create an acceptable “sell through” program
- Ongoing support
Properly Equipped Sales People
Having your sales people properly trained and educated can make the difference between doing a little advertising and doing a lot of advertising.
When your sales person is properly educated on the solutions they are selling and they are equipped with the proper tools, the sales person can improve the bottom line with very little advertising. A great salesperson is a great asset.
- Proper knowledge of products
- Proper tools
- Increase bottom line revenue
Organizational Momentum
MOMENTUM within the organization- defined
The force that propels your organization forward, and it is greater than the sum of all your leadership, strategy and resources combined.
Escape velocity must be achieved -
A disproportionate amount of time and energy will be invested to create what feels like minimal movement.
The Bad News -
It requires a disproportionate amount of fuel (time, effort, collaboration, etc.) to break free from the earth’s gravitational pull.
The Good News -
Once the ship is in orbit, the ship can be powered way back. The MOMENTUM can then carry the rocket ship forward
Building Organizational Momentum requires a great leader or leaders.